Issue 5 of Star Trek The Official Starships Collection features one of the most intimidating ships that Starfleet has ever encountered the Imperial Romulan Warbird.
This ship has been painstakingly recreated in die-cast and plastic materials then hand painted with an incredible level of detail. The vehicle also comes with a full color collector magazine. Vehicle measures approximately 5-inches long x 3 1/2-inches wide x 2-inches tall.
The D’deridex-class, B-type warbird is first seen in the season one finale of Star Trek: The Next Generation titled “The Neutral Zone”. The Federation has had no contact with the Romulan Empire in more than 50 years but now they become fleeting allies with Picard and crew to investigate attacks along the neutral zone. The Romulan Warbird continues to appear throughout Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager and even in Enterprise in the episode “Future Tense” where the image of the ship appears on screen within a database.