“The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.” – Science Officer Spock
#07 Klingon Battle Cruiser (K’t’inga class) Ship Model Die Cast Starship STDC07 (Eaglemoss / Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection)
The K’t’inga-class battle cruiser was a primary class of warship in service with the Klingon Imperial Fleet in the late 23rd century and with the Klingon Defense Force in the mid-to-late 24th century.
Introduced in the early 2270s, the K’t’inga-class cruiser was considered one of the most powerful warships in the Klingon Defense Forces, even serving as a flagship of the Imperial Fleet for a time during the 2290s.
K’t’inga-class cruisers were in service as early as the 2270s, when the Epsilon IX station recorded the destruction of three K’t’inga-class vessels by the V’ger entity. Starfleet’s interest in the K’t’inga-class cruiser was such that in 2285, the class of ship appeared in the Kobayashi Maru training scenario at Starfleet Academy.
For nearly a century, the K’t’inga-class cruiser proved to be a rugged, sturdy design that saw continuous use. In that aspect they were much like their Federation counterparts the Excelsior-class and Miranda-class starships, whose usefulness outlived contemporaries such as the Constitution-class cruiser.
With marked improvements, these warships saw continuous use as front-line and border patrol ships throughout the Second Klingon-Federation War and the Dominion War of the early-2370s. They were not always the ship of choice for all missions, however, as more agile craft like the Klingon Bird-of-Prey were better suited for some tasks.