#08 Type-15 Shuttlepod NCC-1701-D “02 Aldrin” Shuttlecraft Diecast Model Ship (Eaglemoss / Star Trek)
Type-15 Shuttles were introduced before 2365, they were standard equipment for Galaxy-, Renaissance- and Nebula-Class ships, they are equipped with two long ranged impulse driver engines.
The Type-15 shuttlepod was the smallest kind of shuttle that was carried by the Enterprise-D. It had an angular design with gullwings doors on either side of the cockpit. It was designed by Rick Sternbach, who had to make sure a full-size version could be made easily so that it could be used on set. It made its debut in the second season episode ‘Time Squared’. It was originally released as part of a shuttle set and this is the first time it is being made available separately. Please note the shuttles are all smaller models than the standard ships.